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Accredited School Resources


This page and subsequent pages in this section are for VCPE ACCREDITED & CANDIDATE SCHOOLS ONLY. As a member of VCPE, please be aware of the notice below.


VCPE has a clear policy on how private schools may convey their accreditation status as indicated below. Violations will be accountable to the authority of the Accreditation Committee of VCPE.

300.6.B Schools that are:

300.6.B.1 Accredited by recognized VCPE Associations

The model to be used by schools accredited by a VCPE approved accreditation process:

(School’s Name) is accredited by (Association’s Name) whose accreditation process has been approved by the Virginia Council for Private Education as authorized by the Virginia State Board of Education.

300.6.B.2 Candidates and/or Other Non-Accredited Affiliations

Any school in candidate status with any VCPE member association, or any school with any affiliation with a VCPE member association other than fully accredited, MAY NOT use any VCPE statements regarding accreditation.

CLICK HERE to download the VCPE State Recognized Accredited School Logo. ONLY State recognized accredited private schools may use the logo.

The Virginia Council for Private Education is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Call Us

Office: (804) 423-6435
Email Us

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 29255
Richmond, Virginia 23242

Welcome Back to School!

Below is a reminder list of “to-do” items that VCPE reminds schools to complete each year.

1. Virginia Department of Health Student Immunization Survey (SIS)

According to VA Code §22.1-271.2, schools must record each student’s immunizations on the school immunization record provided by the Virginia Department of Health through the Student Immunization Survey (SIS). Schools must file this report annually summarizing the immunization status of students enrolled in the school within 30 calendar days after the beginning of each school year. This year’s survey should be completed using the information below:

  • The SIS reporting tool is now available online and can be found HERE.
  • Password for Private Schools: Privateschool*25
  • Entries are due on or before October 15th.

NOTE: The Student Immunization Survey (SIS) is NOT a VCPE report but is a Virginia Department of Health report. Should you need assistance with this survey, please email Erica Hunter, VDH Immunization Data Manager.

2. VCPE Annual School Report (Due no later than November 1)

Schools will receive a separate email with directions to complete the 2024-2025 VCPE Annual School Report. Completing your school’s report each year allows VCPE website access to the contacts assigned in the report. Please ensure email addresses are correct to guarantee access is granted successfully to each contact.

Additional Back-to-School Information from VCPE

  • 2024-2025 VCPE Law & Private Schools Guide: We know that schools eagerly await the publishing of our law guide each year. This year, the release is delayed due to major construction on the VDOE website, which is heavily linked in our guide. VCPE expects to publish the guide on the administrator (sign-in only) side of the VCPE website no later than October 15.
  • Behavioral Threat Assessment Management: If your school has not completed the VCPE requirement regarding behavioral threat assessment management, please contact our office by email at for additional resources to assist your school in completing this requirement.


Should you need a copy of VCPE’s W-9, you can download it HERE.


You may view the 2024-2025 Virginia Law & Private Schools Guide below

Do you want a printed copy? See below.

Please note: Your benefit as a VCPE state-recognized accredited private school provides you access to the most recent law guide. For the purpose of interacting with the links in the document, primary access for accredited private schools is in the above linked electronic format.

*Virginia Law & Private Schools Guide is protected by copyright law. Any disclosure, copying or distribution of this publication without the prior written permission of the Virginia Council for Private Education is PROHIBITED. Any right not expressly granted herein are reserved.

Should your school wish to have a physical copy of the guide, we have printed them in booklet form. Your school may purchase them for $60 and VCPE will ship them to you. Your head of school should email the request to to request your printed copies and an invoice will be emailed to you.

Virginia Law and Private Schools is published annually by the Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE) to demonstrate its commitment to quality education in private schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia and to identify legal issues that arise in the operation of private schools.

With each annual publication of Virginia Law and Private Schools, VCPE strives to incorporate regulatory, statutory and other legal changes that have taken place throughout the prior year. As such, all school Heads, business officers and key administrators are encouraged to review the publication annually.

The 2024-2025 edition of Virginia Law and Private Schools contains updates in framework and in substance. It is intended to be more directional and user-friendly. VCPE welcomes feedback on these updates and this document as a whole. Feedback may be sent by e-mail to:

Notice Regarding Legal Advice: Not all private schools are organized the same way, and not all private schools operate in the same manner. Legal issues affecting private schools can be complicated, nuanced and fact-specific. Obligations and responsibilities of a school in a particular legal situation can depend on a number of factors. Thus, to ensure legal compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations, both in general and on a case-by-case basis, VCPE strongly recommends that each school consult with legal counsel experienced in issues affecting private schools in Virginia.

Prepared by:


1802 Bayberry Court | Suite 302 | Richmond, Virginia 23226 | P 804 593 4003 |

Virginia Law and Private Schools is a publication of VCPE prepared with the assistance of Burtch Law PLLC, a Richmond-based law firm which represents private schools throughout Virginia, as both general counsel and on an as-needed basis.

Step-By-Step Guide to Background Checks & Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Searches for Virginia Private Schools

Updated August 16, 2022

Accredited Virginia private schools are subject to state laws regarding criminal background checks for ALL employees (full-time, part-time, permanent or temporary which have direct contact with students).   While many Virginia private schools use a third-party vendor for preliminary background name checks, state law requires private schools to use the process as set forth in §22.1-296.3 and outlined in this memo PRIOR to allowing any full or part-time staff to be alone with students.

Please read this entire memo carefully and ensure that your human resources policies and procedures reflect the legal requirements that apply to your specific school programs.

If your school operates a program serving children younger than kindergarten (pre-kindergarten, preschool, early childhood education, child care, etc.), please ensure that any employee AND volunteers who may have interaction with that pre-kindergarten population be screened pursuant to the “Process for EARLY CHILDHOOD SETTINGS” below. Employees who will be strictly working with a K-12 population should be screened pursuant to the “Process for K-12 SCHOOL SETTINGS”.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to keep copies of all employee fingerprint background checks and Child Abuse & Neglect Registry Searches in employee files for verification purposes.

As always, please contact VCPE ( if you have further questions about this process.

(This applies to employees of Certified Preschools, Religiously Exempt Child Day Centers, and Licensed Child Day Centers Programs Pursuant to Article 5 of Title 22.1 Education Code,§22.1-289.035 and §19.2-392.02)

  •  Fingerprint background checks for ALL employees AND volunteers working with children in early childhood (preschool or childcare) settings are now required to be completed through Fieldprint. The background check must be completed BEFORE that individual begins their employment or volunteer service.
  • What do I do if my school needs to set up an account with Fieldprint ?
  • An account may be set up with Fieldprint by emailing or calling (888) 472-8918.
  • VCPE recommends any administrators, nurses or others on staff who may be called to work in the early childhood setting at any time, for any reason should have their fingerprint background check conducted through the DSS Fieldprint process.
  • DSS requires fingerprint-based background re-checks every 5 years. All individuals who were previously screened with name-based (non-fingerprint) background checks were required to submit to a fingerprint check no later than September 1, 2018.
  • After September 30, 2021, fees will be as DSS background checks:
  • Employees and Applicants $59.00
    Volunteers $39.00
  • Additional Employee Background Documentation Required for Early Childhood Employees:
    (UPDATED 12/19/2018)

    • ALL Applicants, employees and volunteers of early childhood programs must sign a “Sworn Statement or Affirmation for Child Day Programs” (linked HERE).
    • This documentation IS part of the DSS audit process.  Schools MUST keep these forms on file in the case of audit or compliance request.

Resources for VDOE Early Childhood/Child Day Programs Background Checks:
1.     Overview Powerpoint on how to proceed with employee fingerprinting through Fieldprint:

2.     Handout for employees on how to schedule fingerprinting appointments with Fieldprint:

3.     VDOE (formerly VDSS) Background Investigations homepage, including all background related resources, forms, and memos:

See below for Section “3. CHILD ABUSE REGISTRY SCREENING FOR ALL SCHOOL EMPLOYEES” for additional screening requirements for ALL employees.


(Background Checks for Accredited Private Schools Pursuant to §22.1-296.3)

Fingerprint background checks for employees working in a K-12 school setting are conducted in one of two ways via the Virginia State Police:

OPTION 1: Hard copy fingerprint card*
This the same process schools have been using in past years to conduct fingerprint background checks.  Nothing will be different about your fingerprint background check process if you continue to use the physical card method. We expect the State Police to eventually phase out this option.

OPTION 2: Fieldprint electronic fingerprint capture
This is an electronic fingerprint background check vendor on state contract to process fingerprint background checks required by the Code of Virginia.  This electronic fingerprint background check process will provide you the results of background checks in 24-72 hours!
*Turnaround times will remain the same as they are now if you continue using hard copy fingerprint cards.

  • How does this change my fingerprint background check process?  It is your school’s choice as to whether the physical fingerprint cards or the new Fieldprint electronic fingerprint background check process is used to fingerprint criminal background check employees.  Schools may use a combination of both.  Before you determine your school’s use of Fieldprint or not, you should determine the location of the closest Fieldprint LiveScan fingerprint collection office to your school (see
  • For some schools, Fieldprint locations may not be conveniently located and your school may wish to continue to use physical fingerprint cards but, in the case where you need a background check done quickly, it is recommended that your school have an account set up for those situations.
  • There is NO requirement in Virginia law to recheck the backgrounds of employees in the K-12 setting, like there is in the early childhood setting.

What do I do if my school needs to set up an account with Fieldprint ?
An account may be set up with Fieldprint by emailing or calling (888) 472-8918.


  • ALL employees (and volunteers in early childhood settings) MUST ALSO be screened through the Virginia Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. This check must be completed regardless of whether you are running fingerprint criminal background checks using physical fingerprint cards or the new Fieldprint process AND whether you are running checks as an early childhood or K-12 setting. If an employee indicates on the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry form that they have lived outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the last 5 years, the employer MUST complete a child abuse and neglect registry search in each state in which the employee has lived in those 5 years.   Resources to assist employers in running out-of-state child abuse and neglect searches may be found here:
  • This screening requires payment of a $10 fee.  Please use the following link to complete this screening:
  • Information on how to run out-of-state search:


VDOE (formerly VDSS) has asked VCPE to remind administrators and applicants of the following:

The form is fillable on your computer before it is printed. Typing these forms on your computer reduces errors and the frequency of DSS sending forms back for correction.

  • If completing forms by hand, print a new form for EVERY applicant (photocopying blank forms causes degradation of print quality).
  • Ensure that email addresses are accurate and clearly written. If emails bounce, DSS must send confirmation via postal mail, potentially adding a week or more to receipt of confirmation.
    • Do not write in form margins or over barcode.
    • Do not use white out or strike through errors (print out a new form and start over if you make a mistake).
    • Ensure that checks are completely filled in, signed and recently dated, and that there is no upcoming check expiration.


The Virginia Department of Social Services is mandated to return Child Abuse & Neglect Registry Search screenings in 10 business days or less, but this process occasionally takes longer. Please inform VCPE if your child abuse registry screenings take more than 15 business days by emailing


Are you looking for a trainer or have specific training needs (listed below)? Please contact VCPE at or call

  • CPR, First Aid, AED
  • MAT
  • EMAT
  • Diabetic Training
  • Narcan (Opioid reversal)

School Safety Training & Resources

With the ever increasing news around the dangers of underage drinking and drug culture, below you will find informative resources, researched by VCPE, that schools, parents, and staff may be unaware of. We encourage you to use these resources for staff professional development, parent education/awareness, and to educate students about the dangers of alcohol and drugs in today’s world. As Officer Galloway (Tall Cop Says Stop) says, “You can’t stop what you don’t know.” Please educate yourselves.

  1. Follow “Tall Cop Says Stop” on Facebook or check out his website for the most up-to-date information about JUULing, alcohol, drugs, and drug culture among America’s teen population.
  2. Power to the Parent – Hidden in Plain Sight
    provides parents a view of a teen bedroom with clues for parents to determine whether their teen may be experimenting with drugs and/or alcohol.

If your school would like free REVIVE! Naloxone opioid reversal lay rescuer training for your school/staff/parent group(s), please contact our office at

Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

Training Courses

Online Professional Development Opportunities

  • Early Childhood Professional Development Suites
    The VPI+ professional development suites are a series of one-hour learning modules. All of the resources associated with these modules, including video, files, and presentation materials, have been reviewed for accessibility using the WCAG developed by the W3C.
  • Education Closet – FREE online workshops with PD certificates.
  • EdWeb – FREE professional learning network hosting online edwebinars for educators.
    (VDOE PD credit info for EdWeb)
  • Class Central – Online teacher development courses & MOOCs from top universities and colleges.
  • Intel Teach Elements – Helps empower teachers to engage students with digital learning, online tools, and other resources.
  • Annenberg Learner – Teacher resources and professional development across the curriculum. Lower cost courses.



1. I Love You Guys Foundation
2. Safe & Sound – A Sandy Hook Initiative
3. Virginia Department of Emergency Management
4. Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services – Virginia Center for School & Campus Safety
5. Emergency Message Templates
6. Safe & Supportive Schools – Emergency Readiness & Management
7. FREE School Threat Assessment Resources – from SIGMA Threat Management Associates


1. Creating a Crisis Response Box
2. Risk RED School Disaster Response Drill Model and Templates
3. Sample School Emergency Operations Plan – FEMA


1. Webinars on Threat Assessment from SIGMA Threat Management Associates
2. Path to Violence (PBS) – Great video from PBS to help your staff learn what can be done to detect problem behavior and prevent violent attacks. This video is also suitable for students in grades 9-12, as an opener for discussions around how to talk about school violence.MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION TRAININGMedication Administration Training (MAT) program – Medical Home Plus, Inc. (MHP) under contract with the Virginia Department of Social Services administers the MAT program. Questions about the MAT program should be directed to or by calling (877) 264-8366.Medication Administration Training for Youth (MATY) program – MATY was developed by the Virginia Association of Independent Specialized Education Facilities (VAISEF). Questions should be directed to or by calling (804) 643-2776.

Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Training Manual – VDOE medication administration training manual and other helpful resources for health and medication management in schools. The VDOE program allows licensed professionals to train unlicensed professionals to attend to student medication administration needs using the program designed for the public school nurses.

Modulated Medication Administration Training Options for Field Trips, School Sponsored Events and Athletic Events After School Hours – This link will allow you to download information on the Medication Administration Training for Youth (MATY-M) program. The modulated MATY-M program allows licensed professionals to train unlicensed professionals to attend to student specific medication administration needs.

Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) Manual for Training Public School Employees in the Administration of Insulin & Glucagon – This link will allow you to view the VDOE medication administration training manual for licensed professionals to train unlicensed professionals to attend to student specific needs for insulin and glucagon. Other helpful resources for health and medication management in schools are also available for download.


  1. VCPE’s Concussion Basics for School Personnel Webinar Series
    Part I
    Part II
  2. Brain Injury Association of America
  3. Brain Injury Association of Virginia
  4. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
  5. Sports Legacy Institute
  6. Center for Neurorehabilitation Services – Richmond
  7. Ekdom Neuropsychology – Northern Virginia
  8. Virginia Athletic Trainers Association
  9. NFHS Learning Center: Online Concussion Training for Coaches
  10. Traumatic Brain Injury Resources – Virginia Department of Education


  1. PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
  2. Stop Bullying.Gov
  3. Just Say Yes
  4. Rachel’s Challenge
  5. 10 Way to Help Reduce Bullying in Schools
  6. Eyes on Bullying
  7. Safe Supportive Learning Environment – Bullying/Cyberbullying

Other Important Links:

Equitable Services for Private School Students, Teachers, & Other Educational Personnel – VDOE

VA Department of Health – Guidelines for Healthcare Procedures in Schools

Immunization Reporting Information:
According to Virginia Code § 22.1-271.2 (Immunization requirements), within 30 calendar days after the beginning of each school year, each school (public or private) must file a report with the Virginia Department of Health stating the immunization status of ALL students in the school. The report includes the number of students admitted to school with documentary proof of immunization, the number of students who have been admitted with a medical or religious exemption and the number of students who have been conditionally admitted (see definitions below). The report for students entering the 6th grade shall include the number with a booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria, or pertussis containing vaccine within the last five years.

Definition of Terms
Adequately immunized – means children vaccinated in accordance with the harmonized schedule of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Academy of Family Physicians with vaccines required by the Code of Virginia as shown at the following site: School Requirements

Conditionally admitted – means a student whose immunizations are incomplete, but provides documentary proof of having received at least one dose of the required immunizations, accompanied by a schedule for completion of the required doses within 90 days.

VCPE Accreditation Standard – BTAM Requirements

VCPE Standards of Accreditation (Amended 2.4.2022) – Safe School Initiatives

Each school must have at least one person trained in K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment no later than July 1, 2024, with evidence of creating and implementing a school-based threat assessment team (more than one staff member) and evidence of training provided to the school staff. The required course is “K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment Basic Training.”

K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment & Management Training

The goal is to provide K-12 threat assessment teams with tools and resources to conduct and manage threat cases.

Topics to be covered include:

  • What is a threat? What is concerning/aberrant behavior?
  • Rationale for the threat assessment approach to violence prevention
  • The principles of threat assessment
  • Understanding the Pathway to Violence
  • Roles and responsibilities of threat assessment teams
  • The importance of reporting, reporting mechanisms, and overcoming barriers to reporting
  • Investigating reports of concerning/aberrant/threatening behaviors
  • Assessing and classifying threats
  • The nexus between threat assessment and suicide risk assessment (mental health)
  • Information sharing and confidentiality
  • Understanding the goals of threat management and interventions
  • Updated group case exercise(s)

Online Training

Private schools may participate in training by having each staff member register and log in for a DCJS K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessments and Management BASICS webinar. The participants are then responsible for ensuring their behavioral threat assessment team and all school staff are trained.

You can access the DCJS Threat Assessment in Virginia page here.

In-Person Training

Schools may also choose to hold an on-site, in-person training for all school staff, facilitated by VCPE.

If you are interested in holding an in-person training for your school staff, please get in touch with VCPE at

VCPE Certified Preschool Form

NEW! VCPE Certified Preschool Form